
Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Lottery Essay -- essays research papers

Shirley Jacksons insights and observations about man and union are reflected in her famous short news report "TheLottery". dom personaly of her readers have plant this storyshocking and disturbing. Jackson reveals two generalattitudes in this story first, the shocking reality of humanstendency to select a scapegoat and second, society as avictim of tradition and ritual. end-to-end history we have witnessed and participated inmany events, where, in time of uproar and hardship,society has a tendency to seize upon a scapegoat as meansof resolution. The people of the village had been taught tobelieve that in order for their harvest to be abundant for theyear, some individual had to be sacrificed. "Lottery in June,corn be heavy soon", said Old Man Warner. The ironyhere is that villagers are aware that this act is inhumane exceptnone want to stand and voice their opinion, for fear ofgoing against societys standards and being outcast orbeing stoned. "Its non the w ay it used to be," Old ManWarner said clearly. "People aint the way they used tobe." Fear that if they go against society they efficiency bechosen as the lottery winner or on that point might be a truth, afterall, that it would disrupt their corn season. " any(prenominal) placeshave already quit lotteries," Mrs. Adams said. "Nothing buttrouble in that," Old Man Warner said stoutly. "Pack ofyoung fools." In lapidation Tessie, the villagers treat her as ascapegoat onto wh...

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