
Friday, March 15, 2019

The Problem of Technical Improvement Of Education Essay -- Teaching Ed

The Problem of Technical Improvement Of procreationABSTRACT What follows considers the problem of practiced improvement as one of the main problems in the philosophy of education. I consider engineering in connection with transferring from substantial lore to comprehension of the process itself. The creation of educational technologies is the expansion of educational freedom, from freedom internal action to freedom inside reflection. The connection between education and technology ensures creating and modifying a particular, non-formal, and humane ped pastgy. Profound comprehension of different tendencies and processes in modern-day education is one of the main problems of the recently appeared and developing philosophy of education. intensify technological inclinations in up-to-date pedagogical theory and practice must(prenominal) be subject to understanding first of all, to my mind. Not long ago the application of the tecnological approach to education was impossible. The ve ry phrase teaching or educational technology seemed absurd. For a very long time pedagogy has been considered the field dead contrary to technical or mechanical kinds of activity. People always vox populi that profession of a instructor was connected with creation, intuition, unique and unpredictable somebody communication. The whole history of pedagogy, examining different kinds of educational process, has always been giving a teacher the leading role. Any programs, systems, methods should only support a teacher in order to expose his own potential, they should not substitute the teachers place, not determine studies.However, the experience of the recent years has shown that any reinforcement of international formal pressure directed to limitation of cre... ...chnology and education gives a conjecture to create an form an other anti mechanistic, humane way of being. Its murder demands not only practical and theoretical, but also philosophical knowledge. Sources(1) Sheler M. Forms of cognition and Education, Gnosis, 1994(2) Dmitrienko V., Lyurya N. Education as a Social Institution, 1989.(3) Bespalko B. Items of a Pedagogical Technology, M., 1989.(4) Vartofsky M. device and a Technology are opposite models of Education? M., 1988.(5) Vodopyanova E. Prospects of the Future Education, Education in Siberia, 1994.(6) Anisimov O. Notional Means of the Theory of Activity and Thinking, M., 1991.(7) Rozin V. doctrine of a Technique and Cultural and Historical Reconstruction of a Technical Development, Questions of Philosophy, N3, 1996.(8) A New Technocratic Wave in the West, M., 1986.

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