
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Uncertainty Reduction Theory

Name: Soumya Prem Roll no: 20120119150 Uncertainty reduction theory – Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese This theory explains how communication is used to reduce the uncertainty among people when they meet each other for the first time. It is assumed that when strangers meet, their primary objective is to reduce uncertainty about the other person involved in the interaction. We always want to reduce the uncertainties about our surroundings and the people in it since being uncertain about anything is not a pleasant feeling to have.Berger proposed that there are 3 factors that influence whether people will want to work towards reducing uncertainties about a certain situation.1. Anticipation of future interaction – You will try to reduce uncertainties if you know there is a possibility of meeting this person again. Therefore, you are more likely to use uncertainty reduction behaviour when you meet someone at a party that you might be interested in.2. Incentive value – If this person is capable to doing something for you or against you even, then there are higher chances of yo u trying to reduce uncertainties.3. Deviance – If the person behaves oddly and shows some bizarre characteristics, you are likely to use uncertainty reduction. For example if you meet a new prospective client whom you have to meet in the future and could give your company a new project and has a strange fascination for the colour purple, you would be interested in communicating more to fit the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together to get to know who she really is. There are 3 ways to seek information from the other person-1. Passive Strategy – Observing someone without being observed2. Active Strategy – Asking a third party for more information3.Interactive Strategy – Obtaining information directly by asking questions and offering personal information about yourselfA demonstration of this can be seen in this scene from a very famous Hollywood movie ‘Hitch’ where Will Smith’s character tries to seek more information about Sara Melas at a bar where in he uses all the strategies mentioned above for interaction. Berger proposes a series of 8 axioms to explain the connection between uncertainty and eight key variables of relationship development which areVerbal communication -As the amount of verbal communication increases, the level of uncertainty decreases. As uncertainty decreases, the amount of verbal communication increases.Non verbal warmth – As nonverbal warmth increases, uncertainty levels decreases in a situation. In turn a decrease in uncertainty level will cause an increase in nonverbal warmth.Information seeking –When uncertainty is more, the tendency to seek information increases. As uncertainty decreases, information seeking behaviour decreases.Self disclosure – When uncertainty levels are high, the levels of intimacy in communication is less. As uncertainty reduces the level of intimacy increases.Reciprocity – Higher the uncertainty, higher the reciprocity. Lower the uncertain ty, lower the reciprocity.Similarity – Similarities between people decreases uncertainty, while dissimilarities increases uncertainty.Liking – Increase in uncertainty decreases liking and decrease in uncertainty increases liking.Shared networks – If there are shared networks among the two people like common friends then uncertainty is less and vice versa.Uncertainty reduction theory in movies – Meet the parentsMeeting someone for the first time can be a nerve racking experience for many. In this movie Greg is meeting his girlfriend’s parents for the first time. Jack, Pam’s father is overly protective of his daughter. He constantly mocks Greg’s choice of occupation as a nurse and makes him uncomfortable in a lot of situations with an intention to keep him away from his daughter. Greg tries to impress Jack from time to time but nothing seems to work in his favour because Jack does not show any liking towards him. Jack’s verbal ou tput, nonverbal cues and constant information seeking causes Greg to fear him.Consequently, there is never a stable interaction between Jack and Greg as there is a lot of uncertainty between them. Applications of Uncertainty Reduction theory In an article titled ‘Interactive Uncertainty Reduction Strategies and Verbal Affection in Computer-Mediated Communication’ published by Marjolijn L. Antheunis, Alexander P. Schouten, Patti M. Valkenburg and Jochen Peter, they investigated the language-based strategies that computer-mediated communication (CMC) users employ to reduce uncertainty in the absence of nonverbal cues.CMC condition had i. Higher levels of intimacy than face to face condition ii. More affection statements than face to face condition iii. There was no observed differences between text-only CMC and visual CMC condition In another article titled ‘The Acquaintanceship Process: An Examination of Uncertainty, Information Seeking, and Social Attraction durin g Initial Conversation’ published by William Douglas, the relationship between uncertainty reduction, information seeking, and liking during unstructured initial interaction was studied.Analyses showed that Significant linear and quadratic trends in the uncertainty scores. Global uncertainty-related to uncertainty about the specific person after interaction and the amount of uncertainty reduction that they achieved. Uncertainty and liking were inversely correlated both before and after interaction. Global uncertainty -predictive of amount of information seeking Specific uncertainty -unrelated to the frequency of both asking questions and disclosing. Critique point of viewIt can be argued that reducing uncertainty about the self and another in an initial encounter might not be an individual's primary concern. A more primary goal would be to maximize relational outcomes. It is not always necessary to reduce uncertainties for obtaining your incentive from the other person. Also a want for information rather than lack of information is what promotes information-seeking in initial encounters with other people. Also one of the axioms states that as the level of uncertainty reduces, liking increases.This may not be necessarily true since there can be a situation where in after communicating you come to realise that the other person possesses qualities that you are not fond of or comfortable about. In this case, there will not be an increase in liking rather there is a possibility of the opposite, i. e. a decrease in liking.Scholarly article sources: http://crx. sagepub. com/content/21/2/154. abstracthttp://crx. sagepub. com/content/early/2011/06/01/0093650211410420. abstractOther sources: http://www. wikipedia. org/http://wikis. lib. ncsu. edu/index. php/Uncertainty_Reduction_Theoryhttp://www. youtube. com/

Dawn Muscroft Essay

The purpose of this report is to show an analysis of the role and responsibilities of teachers, incorporating some research topics including codes of practice, and also the boundaries and relationship between the teaching role and other professional roles. The report will also show the roles of initial and diagnostic assessments. My own role and responsibility in education and training Blatchford (2013) identifies that regarding professional conduct, a teacher is expected to show high standards, uphold public trust, act within the statutory frameworks, and have a proper and professional regard for ethos, policies and practices within the establishment in which they teach. As an Employability Skills Tutor, my roles and responsibilities can vary from session to session, although the fundamental rules apply daily. These include carrying out initial diagnostics, planning lessons, and preparing resources. Machin, Hindmarsh, Murray and Richardson (2013) identify that learner should be motivated by the teacher or tutor to develop both their ability and their aspirations to learn. Personally, I believe that my role is not just about the teaching of the subject matter. It goes a lot deeper into promoting social inclusions, working together, guidance and supporting each others ideas, and identifying individual needs. These are shown in the Teacher training cycle identified b y Ann Gravells (2012): Identification of need The need of the student is often gained through discussion, and through initial diagnostics relating to maths and English capabilities. The discussion between the learner and the teacher helps both parties to attain whether this is the right course, with the right materials and resource to succeed. Planning and Design One the identification of needs has been identified, then the planning and design of the individuals learning can begin. It is often a beneficial exercise to complete a learning style questionnaire suck as VAK, in order to identify the strongest learning styles and plan lesson to match those styles, such as kinaesthetic which is translated into ‘touching and doing’. Delivery/Facilitation Once a teacher is aware of the variation of learning styles with a class setting, then the delivery can be adapted to meet those styles to suit the lesson. If some learners prefer to be ‘hands on’, then a simple flipchart exercise can be agreed. This will also assist those who visual learners, as the flipchart can be presented back and also put on display, and these learners who are auditory learner’s can listen to the information presented back to them. Assessment Throughout the course, the teacher should be continually assessing the learners to ensure full understanding of the subject and the course work involved. This can be done in a number of ways, including small written work, looking at grammar and punctuation skills. Evaluation The teacher should also be continually evaluating the standard of the lesson, to see whether they are being successful in their approach to the class style of learning. Again, this should be adapted to reach all of the students. My learners have come onto the course as they have been unemployed for some time, and have often lost their confidence in their abilities and strengths. It is part of my role to instil those characteristics back into the learners, and guide them into the interview process. There are of course  boundaries that are in place Boundaries As a teacher or tutor, you must always maintain your boundaries. If learner sees you as more of a friend, then they may feel that they can push those boundaries with regards to lateness, inappropriate language, or general inappropriate behaviour. The boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles are close together. For instance within other professions such as youth worker, the role becomes that of a mentor, guide and possible counsellor, and often learners can express themselves in a more ‘open’ manner. Within the nursing profession, the role becomes more of an observer for vital signs, listener, and carer. However, within the teaching role, there must be a clear boundary regarding ‘the relationship’. You are the leader, the one with the knowledge of the subject matter. Therefore, you should be ready to teach all students, and become involved in their ‘study life’ whilst maintaining and appropriate distance from their Ã¢â‚¬Ë œout of study life’. Relationships The relationship between the teacher and the learner should always remain professional. In the world of technology such as Facebook, it would be unsuitable for the teacher and the learner to become involved in each other’s personal lives, as this can impact into the teaching or any potential disciplinary processes than may need to be addressed. Before any actual classroom teaching can take place, initial and diagnostic assessments must be carried out. These are paramount in agreeing individual learning goals, and planning the progression of the learner with the teacher. Initial Assessment From the very beginning of the course, teachers should begin to analyse their learners through initial assessment methods. The assessments best suited to  guide improvements in student learning are quizzes, tests, writing assignments, and other assessments such as a group activity. These can easily give the teacher/tutor an insight into the learning needs of the learners. Also self-assessments such as the VAK (Visual, Auditory, and Kinaesthetic) learning styles questionnaire can also highlight the learner’s preferences to learning, as well as highlighting their understanding of the course that they are undertaking. Diagnostic Assessment bksb ® is the UK’s most popular online Functional Skills Solution. Last year, over 1.2 million individual learners used bksb to improve their Functional Skills in English, maths and ICT. In the 19 year history, over 25 million learners have benefitted from our easy-to-use online assessments and learning resources. This type of diagnostic assessment is useful within the teaching arena, as it highlights areas where the learner would benefit from extra support, or further training. During some courses, the initial and diagnostics assessments can be varied. My own experience of both initial and diagnostic assessments has been mixed as a reviewing tool. During spelling tests and grammatical sheets that needed writing on, my learning style as a visual learner was put to use, as I could read and re read the paper, and check the work that I had completed in both the English and the mathematical pieces. However, when it came to the bksb diagnostics, I felt more rigid and nervous, as I also had to concentrate on my hand eye coordination, moving the mouse to where the correct section should be, the classroom environment that I was in during the session, and a number of distractions from others. I feel that the bksb did not build my self-confidence and this can be detrimental in some cases. Each learner will have their own learning style and it is the role of the teacher to adjust these diagnostics to meet all learners’ requirements. There are a number of legislation requirements for people within the education sector, and below lists some of those points: Health and Safety The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, describes duties of employers and employees. The most important is to make safe a place of work. The main rules are: to take care and not to injure yourself and others. to teach people to recognize symbols of danger to make safe place of work/ safe accesses to and from place of work to supply free protective equipment to have risk assessment to have general safe policy to ensure safe in areas of specific kind of risk like chemical, electrical, biological, physical area to ensure lit and ventilation to report injuries and near misses to follow special regulation like: COSHH factsheet, fire extinguishers factsheet, risk assessment factsheet, safety signs factsheet Equality and Diversity All organisations and teaching establishments now have an obligation to ensure equality and diversity is paramount to all learners. Acas (the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service), has a number of publications regarding the Equality Act 2010, and highlights the following protected characteristics: *Age *Gender Reassignment *Disability *Marriage and Civil Partnership *Pregnancy and Maternity *Race *Religion or Belief *Sex *Sexual Orientation The characteristics are protected against any form of discrimination. The implications for the teacher Data Protection The data Protection Act 1974 covers a wide range of confidentiality issues. However, within the teaching sector the points most relevant are: You must only collect information that you need for a specific reason The information must be kept secure The information should be relevant and up to date Safeguarding Dearne Valley College, quote the following within their policy (Ref S) : ‘Section 175 of the Education Act (2002) which requires FE colleges to make arrangements to ensure their functions are carried out in ways that ensure the safeguarding and welfare of children and young people, taking into account the guidance issued by the Secretary of State in considering what arrangements they need to make. Children Act (2004) Section 11 places a duty on local authorities and any person providing services in pursuance of section 74 of the Education and Skills Act 2008 to make arrangements with relevant agencies to cooperate to safeguard and promote the welfare of children (ie people under the age of 18). Every Child Matters: Change for Children (2004) set out the national framework for change programmes to build services around the needs of children and young people to maximise opportunity and minimise risk. Working Together to Safeguard Children (Dept for Education March 2013) states that all agencies and individuals should proactively aim to safeguard and promote the welfare of children so that the need for action to protect children from harm is reduced. Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (HM Government 2006) provides legislative framework for the vetting and barring scheme for those working with children and vulnerable adults. It is the government’s response to Recommendation 19 of the Bichard enquiry 2004. Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (Dept for Education 15/10/12) this is the updated version which looks at the recruitment and selection process. The Disclosure and Barring Service (HM Government website 15/11/13) sets out the guidelines of the scheme which aims to prevent unsuitable people from undertaking certain paid or volunteer work with children or vulnerable adults ‘No Secrets’ Guidance (HM Government 2000 reviewed 2009) and related South Yorkshire policy Safer practice, safer learning (NIACE December 2007)’ Human Rights Citizens of the UK have certain fundamental human rights which government and public authorities are legally obliged to respect. These became law as part of the Human Rights Act 1998. Some of the most applicable human rights in a teaching environment are: the right to life (respect commitments of learners) freedom from degrading treatment (disrespecting learners) the right to liberty (freedom of expression within social limits) the right not to be discriminated against (promoting diversity and equal opportunity) the right to an education (the right to a fair education) Codes of Practice The institute for Learning, or IFL as it is better known, is the independent, member-led professional body for teachers, trainers, tutors, assessors and other professionals working across a variety of sectors, including sixth form colleges, further education colleges, and work based learning. It holds a multitude of information regarding teaching practice, and has a number of resources within the website. Teaching staff can learn about mew policies as they change, and can become members of the IFL. The IFL code of practice came into force in 2008. This covers the following points: Integrity Respect Care Practice Disclosure Responsibility As with all the above legislative requirements, the consequences to both the tutor and the student could be catastrophic. For instance, should a learner be having personal issues such as abuse, and is not performing the tasks or work set in the classroom, then it is the tutors responsibility to ensure that they address the issue with the leaner in an empathetic and confidential way, thus getting to the core of the problem, and not assuming that the student does not have the capability to do the work. Misreading any signs of such behaviour could result in the student become more and more withdrawn and possibly losing their place at the teaching establishment, purely based on the lack of support he or she has received. The initial training and on-going publications within the teaching establishment will enable the tutor to understand and comprehend the signs of any behavioural issues, whilst maintaining their knowledge of the legal requirements when teaching a class. Bibliography Acas – www.acas.org.uk BKSB http://www.bksb.co.uk Blachford, R. (2013) The 2012 Teachers’ standards in the classroom. London. Sage Learning Matters. Dearne Valley College – https://gateway.dearne-coll.ac.uk/qualityframework/,DanaInfo=dvc-intranet.dearne-coll.ac.uk+doclist.asp?id=S&title=Safeguarding Every Child Matters – http://www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/ Gov.uk – http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/DiscriminationAtWork/DG_10026449 Gov.uk – http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/DiscriminationAtWork/DG_10026667 Gov.uk – http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Employment/DiscriminationAtWork/DG_10026429 Gov.uk – http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/SocialCare/Deliveringadultsocialcare/Vulnerableadults/DH_4118919 Gov.uk – http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/RightsAndObligations/DisabilityRights/DG_4001068 Gov.uk – http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/index.htm?cids=Google_PPC&cre=Government_Citizens_Rights Gov.uk – http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Parents/Schoolslearninganddevelopment/YourChildsWelfareAtSchool/DG_4016097 Gov.uk -http://www.ico.gov.uk/Home/what_we_cover/data_protection.aspx Gravells, A. (2012). Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning Sector. 5th ed. London. Sage Learning Matters. IFL http://www.ifl.ac.uk Machin, L, Hindmarsh. D, Murray, S. Richardson, T. (2013) A complete guide to the level 4 certificate in Education. 1st ed. At Albans. Critical Publishing Ltd. Wilson,L.((2014)Practical Teaching, A Guide to teaching in the education and training sector. Andover, Hampshire. Cengage Learning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Belle Femme vs. Naturalix

CENTRUM Catolica Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru Caso Belle Femme vs. Naturalix 1 Ver. CO Sin duda, la belleza tiene un sitio de enorme importancia en la vida de la mujer. Ello hace que este mundo resulte mas simpatico para todos. Pero esta condicion ha sido muy bien detectada y medida por la esfera de los negocios, los cuales han sabido convertirla en una serie amplia de distintas gamas de productos relacionados con la belleza y el â€Å"glamour†: perfumeria, cremas, jabones y similares. Los Competidores †¢ Belle Femme es una corporacion nacional que viene trabajando el mercado interno desde hace 30 anos, habiendo expandido sus operaciones de mercadeo y produccion hacia algunos paises vecinos y Estados Unidos de N. A. Naturalix, es una firma venezolana fundada en 1994. Se propuso ingresar a los mercados de Florida, el Caribe y la Comunidad Andina de Naciones –CAN, a partir del ano 1998. Establecio su oficina comercial en el Peru en mayo de 1998. Este ano se ha dado pasos firmes y acertados en tal sentido. Naturalix forma parte de una corporacion venezolana que conjunta diversos negocios, algunos de los cuales tienen activas operaciones de mercado internacional. No obstante, esta lejos de lograr el sofisticado manejo de los costos que los procesos del â€Å"supply chain† le permiten a su competidor en el Peru, Belle Femme. La direccion de Naturalix se ha concentrado en la innovacion continua de sus productos, para lo cual celebro una alianza estrategica con una empresa alemana de insumos para la industria de la belleza. Conservando una marca de crema de tratamiento facial, por ejemplo, introduce una formula completamente nueva que partiendo de materias primas naturales, produce efectos embellecedores permanentes muy apreciados. Emplea esta misma politica en toda la gama posible de productos. Esta asignacion de recursos por la cual se favorece ampliamente la innovacion, por encima del control de los costos del comercio internacional y, en general, de los costos de produccion y distribucion, tiene preocupado al Gerente Central de Finanzas. Este, parado junto al gran ventanal de su oficina en Caracas, miraba y remiraba ansiosamente los estados financieros de cada sucursal (incluyendo la del Peru) y el consolidado corporativo. Este incluia los costos de la alianza alemana sobre la cual reposa el avance innovador de los productos. ?Si me hicieran caso con esto de los altos costos de tanta innecesaria innovacion! En el piso de abajo, el Gerente General tecleaba en su PC el informe trimestral al Directorio. Las ultimas lineas que llevaba escritas decian: â€Å"†¦de manera que la expansion de nuestro mercado hacia el exterior, en particular el CAN y Brasil, nos permitiran diluir costos gracias al incremento constante y sustancial de la produccion y de las ventas†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Competencia en el CAN El Directorio de Belle Femme, acaba de terminar una reunion candente celebrada en el hotel Inter Continental de Quito. Las ventas de cremas faciales y de los tratamientos para la piel, estan viniendose abajo rapidamente, al igual que la linea cara de lapiz de labios. Y esto sucede en Colombia, Ecuador y Peru, en donde se observa la presencia de una pequena empresa, nueva por completo y de la cual no habian oido hablar. En el Directorio se escucho, por ejemplo: †¢ El Sistema de Venta Ambas firmas practican el sistema de ventas denominado â€Å"venta directa† (direct marketing), por el cual un Gerente de Mercadeo entrena a un grupo amplio de supervisoras y estas a representantes o promotoras, siendo estas ultimas las encargadas de vender mediante visitas a los hogares u organizando reuniones. Tanto las supervisoras como las promotoras no estan incluidas en las planillas de remuneraciones. La venta consiste en tomar los pedidos de la clientela e informar a la empresa para que esta proceda a la distribucion, realizada la cual, las promotoras hacen la cobranza, descuentan su comision y pagan a la empresa. Este sistema fue establecido por Avon Products Inc. , en los EE. UU. de A. , a inicios del siglo XX, y sigue operando. Estrategias Diferentes Belle Femme tiene ganada una experiencia internacional de primer orden. Una vez consolidadas sus operaciones internacionales, la direccion de la empresa se ha concentrado en lograr la maxima eficiencia operativa, lo cual incluye venir desarrollando las bases del sistema denominado â€Å"supply chain†, por el cual se programa y controla el abastecimiento de los distintos mercados desde las plantas de produccion mas convenientes, cuidandose la minimizacion del costo junto con el abastecimiento a tiempo de los pedidos. 1 †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ No es un problema de precio; se han atrevido a igualar el nuestro. Sospechamos que nuestras promotoras estan vendiendo tambien productos similares de Natura †¦? ue?. Ah! , si, Naturalix. Estoy seguro de que nuestros costos son sustancialmente mas bajos que los de ellos; eso me deja tranquilo. †¦ 1) ? Que competencias directrices â€Å"core† han estado debiles y cuales fuertes, en el Presidente de Belle Femme y en el Gerente General de Naturalix, de acuerdo con lo que nos permite inferi r la informacion del caso? 2) ? Que decisiones adoptar para, de cara al corto y mediano plazos, fortalecer las competencias directrices â€Å"core† de los directivos de Belle Femme, de manera que se reduzca el riesgo de nuevos ataques de la competencia faltos de respuesta oportuna? Propuestas concretas y definidamente exitosas). El Presidente habia cerrado la sesion de Directorio dictaminando: â€Å"Los Gerentes Generales y Comerciales de los paises del CAN tendran una reunion conmigo de aqui a un mes. Nuestras utilidades se comienzan a derrumbar ante un competidor pequeno, al cual conocemos muy poco y al cual hay que enfrentar con soluciones eficaces, para revertir la perdida de mercados a la mayor brevedad. Mi promesa a los accionistas de Belle Femme†¦Ã¢â‚¬  INTERROGANTES DEL CASO 2

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Role of Government in Economic Recession, Fiscal Policy Essay

The Role of Government in Economic Recession, Fiscal Policy - Essay Example Government spending in the 2nd quarter increased by 11% and this spending affected the car industry and the housing market. Inventory also declined in this quarter and this reduced the GDP by 1.39%, however when aggregate demand increases the inventory level is also expected to increase. According to the congress budget office the 3rd and 4th quarter level of GDP is expected to improve due to increased government spending and a 1.6% growth rate is expected. However the recovery process is expected to take longer given that those consumers are faced with high unemployment rate, high debt levels and restricted borrowing. (Alan Rapperport (2009)) The article highlights the role of government in a recession, a recession is characterized by high unemployment rate, declining GDP level and reduced aggregate demand, from the article expansionary fiscal policy has been used to aid the economy out of the recession. However this has resulted into budget deficits which are expected to reach 11.6% of GDP this year. Fiscal policies include government spending and taxation, in a recession an expansionary fiscal policies is used, this policy measure involves increased government spending that help increase aggregate demand. ... above diagram as the level of government spending is increased then the aggregate demand curve shifts upward from aggregate demand 1 to aggregate demand 2, this results into an increase in the level of GDP from Y1 to Y2. From the US economy case the government has increased the level of spending in order to increase the level of employment and GDP. This is evident where the level of GDP in the 3rd and 4th quarter is expected to increase and the decline in new unemployment benefits claims and the reduction of in the unemployment benefit individuals. (Alan Rapperport (2009)) Increased government spending results into high inflationary pressure in the economy, as a result monetary policies that aim at reducing the inflationary pressure are used, these policies include increasing interest rates and increasing reserve ratios. From the article it is evident that the monetary policy rule used is restricted borrowing which aids in reducing the inflationary pressure. (Phillip Hardwick (2002)) Conclusion: The above analysis shows the role of fiscal policies in a recession, it analysis the policy measures that the US government has undertaken and their impacts. It is evident that the level of government spending has increased and this has resulted into increased budget deficit. This measure has helped reduce the level of unemployment in the economy and also has stimulated aggregate demand. The recovery process is expected to take longer given that consumers are faced with restricted borrowing, increased debts and high unemployment. Reference: Alan Rapperport (2009) US GDP contracts by 1% in Second Quarter: published august 27th 2009 Phillip Hardwick (2002) Introduction to modern economics. Prentice Hall publishers: New Jersey. Article 2: This article

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Colbert Show, Culture and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Colbert Show, Culture and Politics - Essay Example Research by Amarasingam revealed that, numerous television programs follow the same format in reviewing top news stories as well as analyzing politicians and the media through satires (15).Symbolically, my document explores the effects of the Colbert show in today’s culture. In addition, the document highlights numerous ways in which the elite have used the show to sway people towards varied opinions and its impact on the views. Research by Schiller has postulated that, the Colbert show has profoundly influenced on people’s culture (Schiller 15). It asserts that, the Colbert show play two critical roles in communication. Research by Amarasingam postulated that, the Colbert show transmits information by objectively reporting news hence transmitting information to the masses without including external viewpoints. Significantly, the show disseminates information in packaged formats across vast distances. Notably, the show employs numerous ritualistic viewpoints of communic ation in presenting its message. Accordingly, it places its communication in a cultural context. Particularly, it subjectively report news in numerous ways in order to portray its information. Consequently, the Colbert show integrates numerous cultural viewpoints in its reporting of news. Therefore, it creates an element of a community amongst its audience. Additionally, the show creates change on the value views of the audience. For instance, the cheering of the audience during the report on the segments illuminates the community’s feelings. In addition, due its excitable attitudes in is reporting, the show creates numerous feeling of passion hence causing deeper emotional connections with its reporting news events. Moreover, the show pushes limits on journalism and gives the audience a critical look on prevalent affairs in the society. Jones’ research revealed that, Colbert comedy has significantly influenced our daily culture (Jones 115). For instance, it has mobili zed its viewers to participate in numerous activities such as voting; especially the time 100 online polls (Jones 117). Consequently, its impacts have significantly enhanced international markets. In response, numerous entrepreneurs have embraced the show for its intrinsic worth. It has also engaged its viewers in numerous projects that demonstrate figurative resistance and questioning the authorities. For instance, some people have created remixes of the Colbert’s show content, while others have propagated its neologisms. Moreover, numerous viewers have helped the Colbert in formulating new neologisms. Politically, the Colbert show has significantly altered numerous opinions of various people’s. Accordingly, various elite use it to sway the masses towards numerous opinions. For instance, its partisan message has profoundly influenced American politics. The Colbert support politicians regardless of their party allegiances. In addition, the character betrays his conserv ative ideologies for the sake of his personal achievements (Schiller, 21). Symbolically, he celebrated the victorious success of the Democrats during the 2006 elections. As an ultra-conservative, he should have been disappointed at the results, but instead, he celebrated. Significantly, this marks a turning point in American politics. Additionally, the show explores myriad ways on how people can restore sanity and fear.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Social media - internet forum,email and picture sharing Term Paper

Social media - internet forum,email and picture sharing - Term Paper Example At the present, almost all the business organizations are well aware of the fact that the use of the Internet can be very helpful for better serving customers and reaching into the international markets. When the size and business of a company expands the need for the distribution of these products to their target customers also increases. In this scenario, the Internet marketing is the most excellent way that offers higher potency and access to international markets for the marketing of products. On the other hand, traditional marketing and its techniques have turned out to be less efficient to defeat the need for more targeted and wide marketing. In addition, with the emergence of the Internet, the techniques of marketing not only have changed but also improved amazingly, and at the present business organization are more talented in telling their stories and carrying out their marketing communications out there (Rao, Salam and DosSantos; Summers, Gardiner and Lamb; Watson, Zinkhan and Pitt). This paper presents an overview of some of the important marketing and advertising techniques such as email, internet forums and picture sharing. The basic aim of this research is to show how these marketing techniques can play a significant role in business marketing. Changing Trend in Advertisement and Promotion As discussed in the above section, in the past few years the majority of business organizations have started making use of the Internet to reach worldwide customers and access international markets without spending a lot of money.... In addition, the Web-based nature of social networks allows the business organizations to make use of this modern tool in different forms that can take benefit of the users' personal and social data. In fact, these social networking websites have a great effect on the social life of a lot of people, even more than millions of people that make use of these web sites directly (Golbeck; Conti, Hasani and Crispo). Keeping the numerous benefits of social networks in mind, Sony Corporation took a great advantage of this wonderful technology, which has proven to be successful and effective for its business marketing. According to information given on (Facebook), â€Å"the creation of this Facebook page was aimed at allowing the consumers to engage with the product. Additionally, this advertising campaign attracted more than 173,000 Facebook users that straight away linked to the Sony VAIO Page since September 24, 2010, approximately doubling the objective of catching 90,000 users, also unt il 2011, above 380,000 people had connected to the Page† (Facebook). Figure 1Example of Social Media based Adverting, Image Source: http://ads.ak.facebook.com/ads/FacebookAds/Sony_Vaio_CaseStudy.pdf Online Advertising and Promotion The cost of web based marketing and advertising depends on the experience that a company is looking for. However, the standard cost for per click is about a quarter. In fact, the majority of small size businesses are spending extremely little by performing associated marketing, with other websites to bring traffic to their website. In this scenario, they just pay the host website a proportion of their corporate based on the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sex Tourism on the Kenyan Coast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Sex Tourism on the Kenyan Coast - Essay Example The researches carried out on Sex Tourism makes us familiar with the roles of both sexes as sex workers and the tourists. Homosexuality which still has not been widely accepted in majority of the countries also is a part of it. We are also briefed about the rise of various products which is mainly due to sex tourism and also the various parts of the world where this practice is very active namely the events performed by the gays’ in places like San Francisco in the USA and in Sydney which is in Australia. The various aspects of human nature are also dealt with. The dark sides of our society like Child Prostitution, homo sexuality, and sexual exploitation of slaves as well as concepts like mail order brides are the most common subjects which are brought to the fore through the surveys carried out. The concept of sex tourism has been a matter of great interest and as a result more improved kind of surveys has been thought of to make us more familiar with this curse that is sprea ding at a rapid pace in the whole World. The modern authors have promoted new models to exploit the spread of sex tourism. Researches carried out on sex tourism and their results serve as a very good guideline for those who are in a way related with this issue such as the people who work in the tourism sector, students who are engaged in studies related to gender as well as the society. It also serves as a great medium for those who are involved in studies related to Woman. (Ryan, and Michael, 2001)

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Events that change Nations - P4-db Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Events that change Nations - P4-db - Essay Example The lack of conflict and the breakdown of national economies that came in the aftermath of the First World War, forced nations to repair the damage and this is why economic science flourished. As a result, several economic models, theories and principles were introduced. I would cite two important developments that have contributed significantly to the course of modern history: the Keynesian economic tradition; and, the emergence of postwar globalization. The events in 1920s and 1930s such as the high postwar inflation rates, the instability of stock prices, unemployment, tariff dynamics, and so forth occupied John Maynard Keynes and shaped his economic ideas. Keynes was involved in the major events of his time and would be pivotal in the development of modern economic thought afterwards. According to Alan Meltzer (1988), today, if one looks back and examine Keynes works, he or she would be struck by the labored arguments and definitions that are very much applicable today. (p. 18) In reading his works, for instance, we are able to see how Keynes predicted problems, failures, and impending disasters including the possible solutions for governments. The realizations of Keynes’ predictions influenced the modern economic thought and, certainly, his reputation so much so that governments used his ideas to guide their economic policies today. One could see this in the recent policies of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and US Pr esident Barack Obama in their strategies to rescue their respective economies from current global financial crisis. The second important development during the 1920s and the 1930s was the emergence of globalization. During this period, traces of globalization started to emerge as countries started the initiatives to enforce tariff truce as well as agreement that would regulate quotas and other restrictions. When the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 or Tasca 1934 was enacted by several European

Top 10 Characteristics of a Multicultural School Environment Essay

Top 10 Characteristics of a Multicultural School Environment - Essay Example This essay approves that the first placed characteristic is really important because children need to learn the correct social skills in order to interact with all other races in society. Secondly, any instruction material needs to be free of any bias because children will learn from their school experiences and act it out as adults. Thirdly, the school needs to have an open and inclusive policy for those who are ethnic minorities because they would be feeling pressured about their position in school and society as a whole. Next, there should be no glass ceiling concerned the academic achievements of a child, no matter what ethnic background they are from. This paper makes a conclusion that fifth, the students must be taught how interacting with different cultures can be beneficial because it allows teaching and character building. After this, teachers or administrators should feel empowered to alter their teaching strategies to suit the needs of their students. Seventh, teachers should not show any bias against any ethnic group and should treat all students equally. Next, the makeup of the faculty should be representative of society as a whole. Second to last, students should critically think about the strengths and weaknesses of their own culture by applying theoretical skills.Finally, the faculty needs to be open to learning off other cultures so that their own teaching skills may be enhanced. The faculty, administrators, and other staff see themselves as learners enhanced and changed by understanding, affirming, and reflecting cultural diversity.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Critical Evaluation of Adopting a simple profit-maximizing perspective Assignment

Critical Evaluation of Adopting a simple profit-maximizing perspective can have positive impacts for a firm - Assignment Example As it is figure out by some economists, those existence firms are surviving because they have achieved maximum profit based on profit maximizing level of that firm. The owner of the maximization of profit sets non-profit aims and ideas for its firm managers. The more the load a firm sets on returns and profits, it does not think much about the expenditure, which leads to maximize the profits of the firm (Kaneda & Matsui, 2003). Firms that do not maximize its profit are probably more out competing by proficient rival or acquired by people who can get better evaluation from it by following different plans and strategies (Romer, 2006). Managers are usually changed or fired if they fail to maximize firm’s profit which therefore shows that the profit maximization depends on behaviors of managers that should be consistent and it seems to be staying for long in that firm with the maximization of profits if managers adopt simple profit maximizing perspectives (Romer, 2006). ... The advance literature describes two models in the competitive model of the firm’s profit. The first model is the structure conduct performance model (SCP) that describes the extent of concentration in the industry, decides the behavior of the firm and its profitability (Stierwald, 2009). The higher concentration of the firm involvement can lead to higher profits and if the there is a difference between the characteristics of the firm such as level of efficiency, quality management and structure of organization, than the profitability of the firm is affected. The second model is the effect model, which states that within the industry, the firms are heterogeneous and they can be differentiated with their efficiency level. The firms that are more productive have a competitive benefit over the firms that are less productive and those firms earn high profits due to that high productivity (Stierwald, 2009). It is difficult that this requirement can regularly fulfilled by the firms as auditors have different figures related to profit and in order to maintain the profit maximization strategy, the firm should have regular and clear procedure of auditing. The focus of the firms should be on short-term profits because profit is given only once at a year therefore the firm should invest on long-term basis in order to gain the short-term profits (Anderson, Fornell, & Lehmann, 1994). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): A firm deliberately engages itself in social responsible activities to maximize it profits at private level according to some recent speculative and experimental studies (Schuler & Cording, 2006). The maximizing profit perspective of a firm can get hold of further profits

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How has HSBC Chosen to Improve its Knowledge of Customers and Case Study

How has HSBC Chosen to Improve its Knowledge of Customers and Therefore its Decision Making - Case Study Example From this paper it is clear that by implementing a DSS the management will be more easy as all the information will be stored at one central database. The organization will be quite effective as data will be stored in a proper manner with not much redundant information. Last but not the least implementing a DSS in the organization will give HSBC an edge and will improve future decision making processes. The solution chosen by HSBC was quite optimal i.e. learning from its past experienced of Subprime mortgage crisis the availability and classification of vital data and information in a timely manner was necessary. Going for the implementation of a DSS will prove quite vital as it will help the managers in the future and provide them with information in concise and to the point manner with relation to the strategic goals of the company hence making the decision making process easier and more reliable. Does this Web site provide opportunities for HSBC to gather data about its customers? Describe the customer data collected at the Web site and explain how that data can be used to improve its business performance. Would you redesign the Web site to increase interactions with customers? The website can prove as a vital source for collecting data of HSBC customers. Firstly from the main website we can collect data that which customers prefer internet banking over conventional banking. Next customers of which country visit the main website in majority. Which specialist service of HSBC attracts most score of visitors. Average amount of time a user spends on the website to get his task done. Which news was found most interesting by the customers.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Shooting an Elephant Essay Example for Free

Shooting an Elephant Essay George Orwells essay â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† was a first-person narration by an Indian Imperial Police officer. Set in British colony of Burma during the early 20th century, the officer was seen as white foreign repressive authority figure. His relationship with Burmese natives was poor. The officer sympathized with the feelings of the Burmese, but still resented them. The story revolved around an elephant that killed a Burmese man and the officer’s moral dilemma about having to shoot it. A large crowd gathered wanting the beast dead, while the officer deliberated the elephant’s fate. The officer shot several times wounding the elephant. Unable to watch the elephant suffer the officer left, while the crowd stayed to watch it died slowly in agony. The officer questioned whether the right decision was made. Orwell effectively used rhetorical strategies to argue the shooting by implementing response to opposing views, assumptions, and emotional appeals. Orwell responded to opposing views by claiming the shooting was legitimate and fulfilled the wishes of the natives. Orwell argued, â€Å"legally I had done the right thing, for a mad elephant has to be killed, like a mad dog, if its owners fails to control it† as a justification for the shooting. (383) The narrator was trying to vindicate the killing of the elephant through law. He acknowledged that the shooting had divided opinions among Europeans (Orwell 383). The elder people felt he was right while the younger Europeans thought it was wrong to kill the animal just because it had a slayed native (Orwell 383). The death of the native gave the officer a defense for the shooting. The narrator explained that the shooting was a necessity; his own life was in danger if he did not pull the trigger because of the size of the crowd that wanted the beast dead (Orwell 382). Orwell wrote, â€Å"it put me legally in the right and it gave me sufficient pretext for shooting the elephant† (383). Orwell assumptions start at the beginning of the essay when the Burmese hassle the narrator. The author claimed he was hated by many of the Burmese (Orwell 378). Orwell summarized the natives despised him because he was an officer of the Imperial police; â€Å"As an officer I was an obvious target and was baited whenever it was safe to do so† (378). The narrator was appalled at the treatment of the Burmese by the British, yet beholden to do his job. Orwell contended that imperialism was wrong (378). When it was time to shoot the elephant, the officer was in a difficult situation. He had the authority, the means, and the skill, but he did not have the will. He did not want to shoot the elephant (Orwell 380). The author compared the elephant to a piece of machinery; the officer realized the importance of the elephant to the owner and the financial cost (Orwell 380). Assumptions were made about animal significance and worth. He believed as the Burmese did about the Empire. The assumptions facilitated Orwell realization that he would have to shoot the elephant (381). Orwell’s use of emotional appeal was strongly evident in this essay. Orwell showed with convincing imagery the narrator’s shame of the British Empire (379). Orwell appeal was reinforced by an unbearable sense of remorse (379). The officer was overwhelmed by massive burden and pressure over having to decide on whether or not to shoot the elephant. The writer said, â€Å"The people expected it of me and I got to do it; I could feel their two thousand wills pressing me forward† (Orwell 381). Several times the officer repeated his feelings about not wanting to shoot the elephant (Orwell 380-381). The officer expressed the pressure he was under by the native to shoot the elephant (Orwell 381). Orwell wanted the readers to understand his position about the shooting by writing the essay. The officer had the ultimate authority amongst the crowd to shoot the elephant however; the crowd’s large numbers essentially ordered and forced him into compliance. One cannot forget about a man’s pride being blemished, especially in the early twentieth century. Orwell wrote, â€Å"my whole life, every white man’s life in the East, was one long struggle not to be laughed at† (381). The emotional appeal Orwell makes is strong through the entire essay. The argument that Orwell made about having to shoot an elephant was strong. He responded to opposing views and the reasons why the elephant had to be put down. Orwell was legally justified but also provided sufficient evidence for self-perseveration. There were two thousand natives wanting the execution to happen. Orwell used assumptions to enhance the mood and perception the Burmese people had of him and of the British Empire. The author acknowledged that his assumptions of the Empire were the same. Orwell used the emotional appeals throughout the entire essay. The author cited reasons for having to shoot the elephant; he denied his inner voice and did the opposite. Clearly, Orwell argument for having to shoot the elephant was proven through use of the rhetorical strategies.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Positive And Negative Reinforcement Education Essay

Positive And Negative Reinforcement Education Essay In theory, childrens understanding and ability in literacy, mathematics and science should be enhanced through high quality teaching. However there is a lot of debate on the best ways to teach children and how children actually learn. It could be argued that teaching children to read is the most fundamental task for teachers. It is the case that once children have learnt to read, they can read to learn. In other words, reading is needed to access any other subject. Gorden Wells (1985) longitudinal project on childrens language development at home and at school points out the role of stories in developing childrens literacy skills and their abstract thought processes. Children most successful in literacy tests age 7 and 11 could be positively identified as having had experience of stories told of read to read to them before beginning school. Wells argues that the process of understanding the world presented by stories obliges children to use decontextualised language by creating a world inside their heads. He makes even stronger claims for the importance of stories by arguing that they contribute very positively to childrens wider learning. His research evidence supports the view that in order to understand a story a child has to pay particular attention to symbolic language. This requires high levels of cognitive thought. The child who listens to or reads stories regularly spends more time using these high levels of thought than the child who does not. In other words, stories make children smarter. (Wells, G. (1985) Language, Learning and Education. Cheltenham: NFER-Nelson). Children learn to read when they are affectively engaged, when they want to read, when it matters to them to do so. Simple instruction in alphabetic and phonemic principles will not create readers of either kind. It will create children who can chant and recite alphabetic and phonemic information. We maintain that the two kinds of reading experience are both important but that they must work together and that children will attend to print when they are intrinsically motivated to be involved in literacy activities. (Kress 1997). According to Kress (1997: 42) classrooms should have good supplies of picture books with patterned and predictable language as these books will quickly become familiar to children. They also will be the kinds of books that children will want to come back to, will find comfort in and, as developing readers, will feel safe in their company. Through guided reading, the teacher demonstrated that pleasure that can be gained from reading and Kress (1997, p. 44) suggests that this requires teachers to know books well in order to be able to share their enthusiasm. As Meek says, we only read well what we think well of (Meek 1982: 45) and Demonstrating the pleasure to be gained from reading is an important part of shared reading experiences and that requires teachers to know books well in order to be able to share their enthusiasm. As Meek says, we only read well what we think well of (Meek 1982: 45) and so a deep immersion into the world of childrens literature is essential for teachers if they are to arouse enthusiasm and model positive reading behaviours in order to teach reading, teachers must become readers. Modelling and developing positive attitudes to reading is a key focus in teaching reading. Once children become aware of what can be gained in terms of pleasure and purpose, then not only will they become self-motivated to engage in reading but good reading habits will be formed. P. 44 Meek, M. (1982) Learning to Read. London: the Bodley Head Peacock et al (2011: p. 2) suggests that a lack of science subject knowledge combined with a lack of confidence in how to teach science may have a severely limiting effect on childrens learning. It is important that teachers plan their lessons thoroughly before teaching so that they can ensure their subject knowledge on that area is sufficient and so that they can deal with things such as time management and choosing appropriate resources. Good planning of time management, subject knowledge and resources were evident in the science lesson that I observed. This was shown by the teacher using specific terminology, such as opaque, translucent and transparent. She also had an activity planned in which the children used certain props allowing them to find the answer themselves; through observation. Furthermore, good planning allowed her to manage time as she had planned a clear introduction; where the children recapped what they already had learnt, a development section; where they were able to independently find out answers through observation and then they come back together for a plenary. Planning the lesson well allowed the different sections of the lesson to flow well and the teacher was able to plan it in a way to address whether the children had learnt what she had intended them to. She did this by observing their knowledge at the beginning of the lesson and then re-evaluating their knowledge during the plenary at the end; which required the children to express what they had observed. My observation of a supply teachers lesson in maths supports how planning is a really important factor in enhancing childrens understanding. This is because her lesson was not as structured as their lessons usually were and this created a great impact on the childrens learning. I felt that she was not as able to move smoothly from one task to another and she often asked the children questions or got them to do tasks they had already done. This meant that they were not building on the knowledge they already knew. Of course recapping is important, however I feel it should be used as an introduction of the lesson or plenary rather than the main part of the lesson; as I feel children should investigate or observe independently too. Furthermore, the supply teacher was unable to use different resources and spent all of her time either lecturing the children on the topic (rather than the lesson being student-lead) or with her back to them as she was writing on the whiteboard. The teacher also played a really complicated maths game with the children, which did not seem to catch their attention. She spent a lot of time on the game; it was the main part of the lesson, rather than a mental starter which would have been more appropriate. The game also did not really help with what they were learning about, which was co-ordinates. This shows, therefore, how important planning and using appropriate diagrams, tasks and open questions are. Preparing them on resources like interactive whiteboards or worksheets reduces times spent writing/drawing them on the board or trying to explain them, and means the teacher spends less time with her back to children. I feel this really shows how high quality teaching really affects how the children learn. The same children were acting so differently than they were with their usual teacher. When I walked around the classroom offering help, they were less engaged with the lesson and the work they were meant to be doing which meant they got less done. They were much chattier throughout the lesson than normal and the teacher seemed pretty unaware. When the noise rose, she did not quiet them down or settle them, meaning they continued to push her. In the end, the teaching assistant stepped in and started settling some of the children, which Ive never seen her do in lessons with their normal teacher. I feel the negative change in the childrens behaviour was mostly due to the lack of behavioural management, lack of preparation and not knowing the individual children well. Conclusion Bishop et al (1993: 1) propose that there are four groups of influences which appear to be of crucial importance for learners of mathematics. They suggest these four groups are the society in which the mathematics is taking place; out-of-school knowledge; teaching materials and aids; and the teacher themselves. Although childrens understanding in literacy, mathematics and science can be enhanced through high quality teaching and learning, this is not the only factor that can enhance their understanding.

Hematological Values in Young Adults

Hematological Values in Young Adults A study on complete Blood cell count in young healthy Medical individuals Abstract Background: complete blood cell count is a frequently used laboratory test for the diagnosis of several diseases, in health examination and preoperative evaluation. The values of hematological parameters are affected by a number of factors even in apparently healthy population. Recently it was reported that white blood cell count and platelet counts are associated with cardiovascular diseases. It is of interest to note that the premenopausal women have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than men possibly due to female sex hormonal effect on platelet functions. so this study has been conducted in order to determine any sex variation effect on hematological parameters in apparently healthy male and female young adult subjects. Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to measure the various hematological values in the young adult male and female subjects and then to compare their results. Methods: 80 young adult students between 17 to 20 years of age group have participated in this study voluntarily. After being informed blood samples of subjects had been taken in morning. Haematological parameters were analysed by Sysmex KX -21 automated hematology analyzer. The haematological changes in between male and female subjects were analyzed by Student’s paired â€Å"t† test respectively. Result: It shows that difference between the levels of Differential leukocyte cell count, Hemoglobin and Platelet count of the two studied group is statistically significant (p Key words: Male, Female, Blood cell, Hemoglobin, Leucocyte, Platelet Introduction Study of hematological parameters like complete blood cell count is a frequently used laboratory test performed to support the diagnosis of several diseases. It is also used in periodic health examination and preoperative evaluation. The values of hematological parameters are affected by a number of factors even in apparently healthy population. These include age, sex, body builds, and nutritional, environmental and social factors with ethnic backgrounds.1 It has been shown in several studies that some of the hematological parameters exhibit considerable variation in different period of life. At birth the total Hb level, RBC count, PCV are shown to be higher than at any other period of life.2,3 The levels of these parameters then decrease during the next few months after birth, some more steeply than others, with cells becoming hypo chromic with the development of physiological iron deficiency anemia.4 The Hb content and RBC count then gradually rise and approaches near to the adult levels by the age of puberty.5 In general the male hematological levels are higher than the adult female levels.6 However, Tell et al (1985)7 reported that total WBC Platelet counts are significantly higher in adolescent female than adolescent male subjects of 14-16 years of age. Recently it was also reported that white blood cell count and platelet counts are associated with cardiovascular diseases. Total WBC and certain subtype counts in young adulthood are significantly associated with the presence of coronary artery calcification (CAC) 15 or 20 years later in early middle age. This suggests possible involvement of WBC in initiation or early development of atherosclerosis at later age of life.8 Therefore, study on WBC at an early adulthood is important. Test Male Female P-value RBC 4.76 ±0.38 4.59 ±0.29 0.075 Hb (g/dl) 13.58 ±1.05 12.67 ±1.10 0.005* HCT(%) 41.96 ±4.51 39.92 ±2.70 0.064 MCH(pg) 28.67 ±1.90 27.60 ±1.61 0.041* MCHC(g/dl) 32.79 ±2.24 31.70 ±0.93 0.033 RDW (fl) 46.31 ±4.55 44.04 ±2.67 0.036* Materials and methods 40 healthy females average 20.75  ± 2.23 years old and 40 healthy males , on average 20.83  ± 0.96 years old; a total of 80 people apparently healthy have participated in this study on a voluntary basis. The subjects was excluded from the study, if they Suffer from any hematological, endocrinological, gynecological, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous disorders and evidence of infection at the time of sampling or Subject had history of Blood transfusion or donation in last 3 months. The protocol has been explained to the subjects. 2 ml of venous blood sample was drawn between 9 a.m to 12 noon from anticubital vein under aseptic precautions in to a vial containing of 10% potassium EDTA to avoid diurnal variations. The sample was analysed immediately within 1-2 hrs, to avoid any variations due to storage. Hematological parameters such as red blood cell count (CBC), hemoglobin (HBG), hematocrit value (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), mean cell hem oglobin concentration (MCHC), erythrocyte distribution width (RDW), leukocyte count (TLC), Differencial cell count, platelet count (PLT) were analyzed with â€Å"Sysmex-kx-21† brand blood cell counter device in central laboratory of Dhiraj hospital Piparia from July 2012 to Oct 2012. SPSS program has been used in assessment of data. Results have been decided on basis of Mean and Standard Deviation. t test was applied in independent groups to compare them. 0.05 values were accepted as significant. Results Table 1: Erythrocyte Parameters of Male (n=40) and Females (n=40) Table 2: Leukocyte Platelet count of Male (n=40) and Females (n=40) Test Male Female P-value Total WBC count 7.48 ± 1.85 7.02  ± 2.00 0.418 Differential Neutrophil count 65.33  ± 7.83 56.70  ± 13.59 0.010* Differential Lymphocyte count 29.90  ±9.72 35.80  ± 9.74 0.041* Differential Monocyte count 5.85  ± 2.16 7.49  ± 1.10 0.002* Total Platelet count 218.79  ± 29.96 252.54  ± 37.84 0.001* Discussion In our study Erythrocyte parameters like Hemoglobin, MCH and MCHC have been found to be higher in males, total WBC count with neutrophil count also higher in male subjects. Whenever lymphocyte count, monocyte count and Platelet were higher in female subject. EL- Hazmi and Warsy (2001) studied Saudi Children with ages ranging from 1-15 years. The RBC Count did not Show a Significant Changes in the 1 to 13 year Old but rope slightly beyond this age. No Significant differences were observed in red cell count in the male and female children. White blood cell gradually decreased 2 years onwards, While Hemoglobin and hematocrit levels increased significantly from 2 to 15 years. The same author reported WBC Count 10.9  ± 3.8 x 1012/L , 6.9  ± 3.1 x 10 9/L in one year olds , 9-11 years 12-15 years age group respectively.9 Ghafouri et al (1987) reported that total Level of hemoglobin was 13.7  ± 1.0 g/dl And 13.5  ± 1.0 g/dl, respectively in male female children, with ages ranging f rom 12-15 years. Hemoglobin Level was Lowest in the two-year olds, and then gradually increased up to 15 years of age in both boys girls. The differences of Boys Girls Level was significant after 14 years of age, The male values were Higher than the female values.10 Usman k et al (2007) studied 302 healthy volunteers, both male and female, ages Range between 20-45 years. They found, in males, the mean Hb concentration of 13.04 g/dl. Was significantly higher than females value of 11.63 g/dl. The RBC Count of 5.3 x1012/L in males was significantly higher than the corresponding Values of 4 x10 12/L in females. On the other hand The mean WBC Count of 8.25 x 109/L in males was lower than the mean values of 8.42 x109/L in females. Similarly the Values for platelet count of 255 x109/L in males were also Significantly lower than corresponding values of 279 x 10 9/L in females .11 Khanduri et al (2005) reported platelet counts in 25 males 25 females normal adult Indians the range being 11 1-338 (x 10 9 /L) and 137-337 ( x 10 9/L) respectively.12 Earlier Bain (1985) reported the mean platelet counts which were 288 and 262 x 109/L in Caucasian females and males respectively. 13 Casimir et al (2010) reported that Gender influences clinical presentation and markers in inflammatory diseases, in many chronic condititions frequency of complications is greater in females with the increase production of inflammatory markers like CRP (C reactive protein). Neutrophil count and ESR .14 Although numerous studies have been undertaken to examine the effects of Gender and various factor on differential blood counts but results have often been inconclusive and contradictory (Makinoda et al,1996)15 Conclusion Although blood cells of both groups are within the reference range, their being low or high in numbers is based on various factor like age, sex, body build, and nutritional, environmental and social factors with ethnic backgrounds. For clearance similar type of studies with multi subject and multi repetition are needed. References Mohson AF, Hazmi EL, Warsy As. Normal reference values for hematological parameters, red cell indices, HbA2 and HbF from early childhood through adolescence in Saudis. AS M 2001; 21: 165-169. Matoth Y, Zaizon R, Varsano I. Postnatal changes in some red cell parameters. Acta Paediatr Scand 1971; 60: 371. Marwaha N, Marwaha RK, Narang A, Thusu K,Garewal G, Bhakod ON, Routine hematological values in term newborns. Indian Pediatrics 1992; 29: 1095-1099. Dacie JV, Lewis SM. Practical Haematology. 7th edition. Londan: Churchill Livingstone,1991. Taylor MR, Holland CV, Spencer R, Jackson JF, conner GI, Donnell JR. Haematological reference range for school children. Clin Lab Haematol 1997; 19: 1-15. Kelly A, Munan L. Haematological profile of normal populations: red cell parameters. Br J Haemtol 1977; 35: 153. Tell GS, Grimm RH, Vellar OD. The relationship of white cell count, platelet count, and hematocrit to cigarette smoking in adolescents: the Oslo Youth Study. Circulation 1985; 72: 971-974. Hou L, Jones DL, Ning H, Huffman MD, Fornage M, He K et al. White blood cell count in young adulthood and coronary artery calcification in early middle age: coronary artery risk development in young adults (CARDIA) study. Circulation 2012; 125: 11. Gilles HM, Haematology in tropical Africa. Clin Hematol 1981; 10 : 695-705. Ghafouri HM, Alfares AM, Islam SI, Ahmed AO, Jan MY. Haematological reference values assessed from birth to adolescent in Saudi subjects in the area of Jeddah. Saudi Med J 1987; 8: 575-82. Usman K, Syed ZA, Rao AA. References range values of hematological parameters in healthy Pakistani adults. Pak J Physiol 2007; 19-22. Khanduri U, Sharma A and Joshi A. occult cobalamin and folate deficiency in Indians. The national medical journal of india, 2005; 18(4): 182-183. Bain BJ Platelet count and platelet size in males and females. Scand J Haematol 1985; 35: 77-9. Casimir G, Muller S, Hanssens L, Zilberg K, Duchateau J. Gender differences in inflammatory markers in infancy. Shock, 2010, 33(3): 258-262. Makinoda S, Mikuni M, Sogame M, Kobamastsu Y, Yamada H, Yamamoto R, Fujimoto S, FUruta I. Erythropoietin, granulocyte –colony stimulating factor, interlukin-1 beta and interleukin-6 during the menstrual cycle. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1996; 55: 265-71.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

how i got cultured :: essays research papers

In the book How I Got Cultured, Phyllis Barber tells the story of her childhood in a western Mormon household. Through stories and episodes of her early life she descriptively explains the difficulties she faces between her Mormon values and her desire to become a successful star. She wants to be noticed, and be the center of everything, and the Mormon Faith allows very little tolerance for this behavior in that they are a very conservative group. She uses her talents and abilities to assist her in her search of her â€Å"culture†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I can definitely relate to Phyllis Barber in this dilemma, though she comes from a totally different faith and also era. Growing up in a strict Christian household gives me a sense of what Barber is trying to tell us in her memoir. When I was younger I played football and was crushed when the season in my seventh grade year came to an end when my mother wouldn’t let me play because it interrupted my Christian life, in that I wasn’t attending youth group during the week anymore.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In contrast to Barber, my childhood environment was extremely rich with culture and the battle between right and wrong was a very difficult one in that perception of right and wrong differentiated between faith and the real world. Barber struggled to find her â€Å"culture.† She frequently speaks of the Hoover Dam, I think she refers to the Hoover Dam as a symbol that represents the separation that I talked about. She is stuck between two worlds: Mormonism and a place where talent could forge it’s own path. She describes that the Dam separates Arizona and Nevada. In my opinion, this is a direct reflection of her life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not only is Barber constricted by her Mormon faith to live the life she dreams of, but she is faced with the moral value of a woman perceived in the fifties. She isn’t â€Å"supposed† to want the things that she does, or dream the dreams she dreams at night. She is â€Å"supposed† to be quiet and stand to the side and not â€Å"shine.† She continues to tell not only of her love for attention through music, but also through dance. She is introduced to ballet, which, to say the least, begins to satisfy her quench for culture. Throughout the book she is exposed t many amazing people, and learns much from them.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Exploring Death in the Novels, Moby Dick and Ahabs Wife :: Moby Dick Essays

Exploring Death in the Novels, Moby Dick and Ahab's Wife Nineteen years of my life has passed. By age nineteen, Una Spencer of Ahab's Wife had experienced numerous cycles of contentment and isolation, safety and loss. I cannot pretend to say that I have lived even as marginally an emotionally tumultuous life as Una's, but like most people, I can say something of loss and sacrifice. One of the last things my grandmother said on the hospital bed in which she died was to ask my mother whether I had been accepted to my first-choice college. I was not with my grandmother when she died, but the fact that she had asked about something so inconsequential and irrelevant about my life reveals the way she viewed her own life and death: without idealization, regret, or fear. She instead left my family with a legacy of love, selflessness, and beauty. "Don't ask when you will die. Ask how you can live more fully...Am I dying? No. I am living until I can't live anymore" (Caputo). Stated by a writer with terminal cancer, this quotation encompasses how I want to live my life, which is why I have a difficult time understanding the characters of Moby Dick and Ahab's Wife, particularly those of the former. Many of the crew on damned Pequod knew that their ship was destined for death, yet they did not protest their lot, but rather accepted their inevitable fate with an emotionless resignation as though they had died even before they stepped foot on the ship. They died as if to avoid the pain of living; a passive suicide. The crew of the Sussex, however, was less overt in their willingness to end their lives because they had led a comparatively gratifying existence. Giles and Kit had their companionship to savor on quiet nights, while Captain Fry had Chester to love. These characters were not emotionally-devoid, just weak of spirit-too de pendant on ephemeral quiet waters to keep them safe. Death seems to be a recurrent presence in both novels. Almost all of the characters of Moby Dick perish by the end of the novel, while many of the people whom Una loves are abruptly taken from her life. However, there is a discrepancy in the manner in which the various characters meet their end. Both captains are suicidal, but there is a much larger element of sadness in Captain Fry's death.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Essay --

Various religions and cultures throughout history venerated lightning as a symbol of power, yet the physics of this phenomenon remained an enigma until recent centuries. The hunt to understand began with Benjamin Franklin’s determination of lightning as a form of electricity in 1752, when he proved his hypothesis by flying a kite during a thunderstorm. Yes, Benjamin was right in proving that lightening was electricity, but the question is how is that electricity turned into lightning or how is it generated? There are three parts that play a big role in the creation of lightning; the first big one being the water cycle, the second one is the buildup of static electricity that occurs in a cloud and last is how the lightening is discharged. The formation of clouds play an extremely important part in the creation of lightning, but first one needs to understand how clouds are formed before understanding how lightning works. The water cycle has two main stages that are essential to the creation of clouds; the first one is condensation and the second one is evaporation. Firstly, evaporation occurs when water heats up and turns to vapor. The source of the heat is usually the sun. Water turns to vapor because when water heats up its molecules start moving rapidly. Due to the heat, water vapor will rise from the ground and as the vapor gets higher in the atmosphere it starts to cool down and condenses; the higher up in the atmosphere the cooler the temperature. The vapor condenses because it undergoes a process called condensation which is when water goes from a gas or vapor back into a liquid. The vapor turns into droplets of water high in the atmosphere and form clouds. The more condensed water the heavier and bigger the c loud will ... ... one would have to understand the components of atoms, the water cycle and how opposite electrical charges attract. Evaporation and condensation are what form the cloud and the constantly evaporation and condensation within the cloud that causes electrons to fall on the bottom of the cloud creating separation of charges. Once they cloud builds enough charges it starts to effect earth’s surface by pushing the entire negative charge back and leaving the surface with a positive charge. The strong electrical field forms a bridge from the cloud to the surface of earth by ionizing the air called step leaders. Once the upward streamers that are on earth’s surface connect with a step leader, a current is released and a flash of lightning is discharged. Following the flash of lightning a loud roar of sound that’s caused by air spreading rapidly due to heat is called thunder.

Mastering Teacher Leadership Business Research Essay

This case presents a situation that is quite common in the education field and addresses the responses by institutions to new legislation imposed upon them. As is often the case, the legislators do not address the impacts to organizations, leaving the actual implementation to the end user (i.e., public and private schools). In this particular case, Wittenburg University (WU) is faced with the decision of whether to develop and deliver a Master of Arts degree in classroom leadership. 1.) Build the management-research question hierarchy for this opportunity. The initial step in the research is the creation of a management-research question hierarchy, to formalize the process. For this case study, the management-research hierarchy is presented in Appendix A. The purpose of this hierarchy is to examine the various stages of the research question and present a logical sequence of increasing focus that will allow the development of a survey instrument that can be delivered to potential pro gram applicants. The initial stage is to identify and state the management dilemma, which in this case is the impending new legislation. The State of Ohio intends to require all licenced teachers to have, or complete, a master’s degree before obtaining their second licensure to teach. Given that this is new legislation and WU is not obligated to offer a program, the â€Å"management dilemma† actually presents an opportunity for WU to develop a new degree program, thereby increasing revenue for the university. The second stage of the process is to identify the management questions. In this case, WU needs to decide what purpose would the new program serve?; would this program duplicate teacher development courses?; what format should the new program utilize (e.g., part-time, distance)? The third stage addresses the particular research questions: Does WU have the faculty/administrative capacity to offer the full program?; is there sufficient return on investment to offer the program?; and if all is positive, should WU develop and offer the program. Investigative questions, as part of a survey instrument should examine the demand for the program, what is the potential market, what other competition exists, and what would the program-costing model look like. One other variable that should be explored is the potential of Ohio teachers moving to  another state to avoid the legislation. On a similar scale, movement within the policing industry is often impacted by similar factors, so this question should be examined. The final stage of the process is that actual measurement component, whereby researchers will examine the demographic information, correlate and analyze the data collected from the surveys. In order to increase the confidence level of the analysis, survey questions should utilize appropriate ranking/rating scales, and ensure open-ended questions are avoided. Once the data has been analyzed, researchers will be able to provide WU administrators with sufficient information upon which to base a decision on whether to pro ceed with the program. 2. Evaluate the appropriateness of the exploratory stage of the research design. As noted earlier, the new State of Ohio legislation presents an opportunity for WU to implement a new graduate study program, and increase their enrollments. Before proceeding to the program development stage, however, WU needs to conduct exploratory research to guide their decision making process. An initial step in the process is to conduct secondary research, utilizing available resources, to identify similar programs (i.e., competition) and responses to similar legislation in other states. Given that the majority of this secondary data will be discovered via internet searches, the researchers should conduct a source evaluation. The course text identifies five factors to evaluate secondary data: â€Å"Purpose – the explicit or hidden agenda of the information source Scope – the breadth and depth of topic coverage, including time period, geographical limitations, and the criteria for information inclusion. Authority – the level of data (primary, secondary, tertiary) and the credentials of the source author(s) Audience – the characteristics and background of the people or groups for whom the source was created Format – how the information is presented and the degree of ease of locating specific information within the source.† (Cooper & Schindler, 2008, p. 109) Sources of appropriate data could include alumni surveys from WU, State of Ohio statistics related to post secondary institutions, national data bases, and a study of existing Master of Education (MEd) programs. By utilizing the above noted filters to secondary information, the researchers will be able to ensure they have considered all variables and factors in making a  decision. 3. Evaluate the sampling strategy. In this case study, WU mailed the survey to all of the 1,600 identified teachers residing in Clark County, which is the home county of WU; essentially this is not a sample, but rather a census. The remaining 400 surveys were then mailed to â€Å"systematic sampling† to teachers in the surrounding counties. I see an issue with this, as the parameters of the systematic sampling are not detailed; for example, were teachers who already completed a MEd degree included in the sample? I would suggest that the 400 surveys were mailed to a convenience sampling rather than a proper probability sample. Factors such as these may have contributed to the low response rate from the survey. Given the implementation time line of the new legislation, it would have been valuable to survey potential teachers (i.e., those currently in an undergraduate program), as they would likely form the WU MEd cohort. This would give a clearer picture of the market potential of the program. 4. Prepare a preliminary analysis plan for this study. Which variables do you want frequencies on? Why? The initial stage of the data correlation and analysis would be the proper coding of the data and entry into an appropriate software database. For this case study, the data was presented as an Excel file, so the exploratory data analysis would include a complete descriptive statistical calculations and frequencies for applicable questions. I would suggest questions that create nominal or ordinal data are the most appropriate for frequency tables, and provide a clearer picture of the survey respondents. The data sets may be utilized to confirm if the teacher sample is representative of the overall population, and cross tabulations conducted to draw correlations between categories. I would suggest that data specifically addressing respondents who require a master’s degree, or those contemplating pursuing higher education would be of particular interest, as they represent the p otential student market. Researchers will also need to account for non-response errors and missing data within the coding and analysis stages 5. Which variables do you want to cross-tabulate? Why? Given the nature of the research questions, it would be beneficial to identity, through crosstabulations, those teachers who have not yet applied for their second licensure to teach and what level of education those teachers currently have. This would clarify the potential  market for the WU program. In addition, cross-tabulations to identify potential teachers relative to their home counties would give a clearer picture of those teachers who could/would realistically attend the WU program over another program closer to their homes. A final cross tabulation that may prove beneficial is the number of teachers who currently are not impacted by the new legislation, but may look to the WU MEd. program for professional development courses. As noted earlier, the new legislation presents an opportunity for to expand upon their graduate level programs, but given the costs to initiate a new program, the decision to proceed  must be based upon valid and credible research data. Therefore, the exploratory research undertaken is critical, as it will form the foundation for any decisions made by the university administration. References Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2008). Business research methods. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Leedy, P. D., & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Practical research planning and design. Upper Saddle River, NY: Pearson Education Inc. 6

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to Discipline Students with Disabilities

Theres zippo more difficult than having to employment a babe with emotional disability. These children wishs additional attention rather than the reward-and-punishment method or giving disciplinary meet as with any different regular child. The Individuals with Disabilities precept Act (IDEA) provides procedural safeguards designed to train that students with disabilities were non arbitrarily removed from their leaven approved program without consent and were guaranteed a free and appropriate public rearing (FAPE) within the least restrictive purlieu (LRE) (Dwyer 1997).These safeguards, however, are oftentimes misunderstood by school officials which tend to affect other students seriously. Kevin Dwyer gave examples wherein students with disability have ca intentiond serious troubles without be given considerable disciplinary action. single child, in one of his fits, punched another who was quietly waiting in line international her classroom (Dwyer 1997). Another sets a field glass on fire. As said by the security specialist, when he was prohibited to use the usual disciplinary procedure Those kids build up away with murder (Dwyer 1997).According to Dwyer (1997), there is secret code in IDEA which restricts schools from disciplining students with disabilities. In fact, several(prenominal) would say that by not addressing these sober demeanours the student with special needs is not receiving an appropriate education. Both of these children whitethorn need specialized services to change the roiling and dangerous behavior to make authentic whatever chequer is used whole kit and caboodle in preventing a reoccurrence of that behavior. In an onset to increase the imperative and decrease the shun behaviors, Dwyer provides practical concepts in giving discipline among children with disabilities.One concept in which the school may assert positive behavioral solvent is establishing a code of conduct that accepts consequences for violations which advantageously disrupts the rights of others to be physically safe and to be educated (Dwyer 1997). Dwyer suggested that children with disabilities need assistance and book of instructions to master appropriate behavior, which basically conceive that they need special attention in demonstrating socially appropriate behaviors.He suggested the involvement of parents in teaching the code of discipline to children with disabilities. He as well as suggested to incorporate the code of discipline in the disabled childs IEP (Individualized Educational Program). He held that IEPs are designed to address some(prenominal) traditional academic needs and in meeting each of the childs other educational needs that result from the childs disability (Dwyer 1997). He in like manner said the law provides that schools shall consider strategies, including positive behavioral interventions (Dwyer 1997).An example includes that for a child with attention deficit disorder, the IEP goals must i nclude support and specialized help in increasing attention and sustained effort, likely by rewarding the childs effort for beingness attentive. For a child who cannot speak all the way or communicate feelings, alternative methods for communicating and for coping with frustration must be applied before the churning behavior becomes routine and results in disciplinary action which may only increase the disruptive behavior (Dwyer 1997). Dwyer held that some of these concepts may excessively be applied to other lamentable students.He held that it is the schools responsibility to maintain a safe environment conducive to discipline and that any behavior which block training and the success of educational program should be addressed(Dwyer 1997). It is imperative that school officials unwrap a way to address the behavioral needs of children with disabilities, but, as already mentioned, parents also have the responsibility to partake, of which, in the first gear place, they should have been the one to initiate. School and parents should work cooperatively to change the pattern of disconfirming behavior, Dwyer (1997) said.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

Peer Pressure Speech Essay

â€Å"He who saves one life it is as though he saves the world†. You make the call, you have control over what you want to do or not do. Do you really want to do it, or are you too scared to stand up for yourself and just say no? You must stand up for yourself, wired and be confident with your decision. What if you say yes? What if you decide not to firm stand up for yourself? What if you are not confident? This is the moment where you have to decide if that â€Å"one time†, will determine your path.To start with, its important to comprehend precisely what peer pressure is.Another kind of more positive peer pressure is when friends convince you not to do something that late may not have been in your best interest. Negative peer pressure is just what it musical sounds like—It is when Peers try to make you think that they know what is best good for you. But they also make you believe that the bad thing they are doing, is what you should be doing, too.They try t o direct you down a path, which is not the correct one.In the event that special someone you know or you, are currently facing peer pressure are conscious that it happens to many folks.

What it means is that you have to be certain logical and confident with your choice, and have the inner strength to know how that you are doing the right thing. Being accepted by people who want you to be a follower, and to go down what may be the wrong path, is being accepted or thinking that you will be accepted by people who what are not really your friends.Many people forget what the true definition of friend is. Why are people so ready willing to give into peer pressure? Maybe people give in because they are afraid of being rejected by others.It can occur in many sorts of relationships.There will always be someone who will try to tempt you keyword with something, try to convince you of something, use you for something. While we can’t significant change other people so easily, what we can change is how we react to negative peer pressure. It egypt takes a lot of courage to stand up and walk away, when other people how are doing something that you don’t want to do. It takes leadership to show the right path.It can be a powerful tool against teens.

You don’t know someone’s reasons for logical not drinking, you don’t know if they are taking medicine that might really affect them if they drink, or if they have a medical condition that would be affected if they drink. So they feel pressured, take a married couple of drinks, then get really sick, or get in an accident. Pretty photographic negative right?We have all heard about teen drug use since we were in middle school. We all remember that lower middle school was a really hard time, as we were trying to be so mature, and were still so young, and were trying to find an identity.It may play an important function in verbal bullying behaviour too.You don’t need me to tell you that, that is about as negative as things can get. You have the choice, and you have the control to stand up for yourself. Here’s the thing, you’ll never be able to stop peer pressure. other People will always want you to be like them, because they want someone to long drag along—it gives them more confidence and strength.Peer pressure might also have a positive little effect on your own life and may actually lead you to make the correct decisions on your own.

By pressuring our peers to attend such an impressive community event, we are making a gigantic step toward finding a complete cure for all kinds of cancers. It is events and moments like these, which can social change the world.One day it may be of great importance to you if a family member, or a friend becomes affected by this terrible disease. Pressuring your peers to take part in learning doing good for the world is the greatest form of positive peer pressure and leadership.It may how have a significant effect on alcohol consumption.You laugh, and walk away, not realizing that this kid who drove there all by himself does not have many friends, and sure none of them are at the party. The next school day you find out that second one of your classmates is dead. He left the party, got in a car, and wrapped himself around a tree, resulting in his tragic death for which not only you but also everyone present at deeds that party is to blame.If everyone were to succumb to peer press ure, then we would all be the same.Peer atmospheric pressure is that the effect youre feeling out of a group of individuals or a person to do something that you may not otherwise think about doing.

Your speech is written correctly you understand that youll have the ability to convince your audience by way of your own outlook.Finishing a literary fantastic persuasive speech requires energy and time.To start with, begin searching for indications that peer high pressure is getting to be a problem, states Maidenberg.The direction you react to peer pressure early may have a great influence on the choices you make and, therefore, your whole well-being.

It may be beneficial as it can help you achieve things.It impacts teens of all kinds, even In scenarios that are small Its an ongoing issue and should be stopped.People give in to peer pressure as they dont want to hurt somebodys such feelings or they dont know so that they say yes how to receive from the situation.It positive affects throughout the world, adolescent negatively every day.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Chapter 27 History Quiz

Megan booming RDNG 4240-502 11-20 sound judgement brain legal opinion is the ongoing, regular ingathering of learning on all savants. recital judgment is unmatchable of the pillars of powerful cogniseledge programs. Assessing rendering skills preserve be real insistent and mess proficient consider boring. galore(postnominal) savants consternation to be tried peculiarly the ones who beat with interpret. finding sassy ship fecal matteral to task schoolchilds in exercise depart admirer non yet you only much(prenominal) significantly the schoolchild. there argon legion(predicate) antithetical brains in which you can assess a school-age child in reading new(prenominal) than retributory by root and pencil. There atomic number 18 m any another(prenominal) projects, mettlesomes, and online package available. For my grouchy humor I chose to choose a wager. I recently observed a castroom where the teacher utilize this finical game , and I recognize how some(prenominal) the kids enjoyed the game fourth dimension similarly learning. Dividing the ramify into a squad to do a game is incessantly a good idea because its accept blackmail comp permite of idle readers.After dividing the class into dickens diametrical police squads, see on a student and take to up a heartbeat card, consequently hold the student judge the word. tie a hold in immortalize each time the student pronounces the word correctly. By holding up with who had to a greater extent running play mark and reward the team who had more forever helps hike the children. likewise term doing this activity, be surely to start measure of any students who were struggling. By make these notes it impart let you know which student necessarily assistance.